EXCLUSIVE: "The Wagner Mercenary Chief's Fall: A Twisted Tale of Power and Betrayal"

Russia's mysterious summer solstice of 2023 took an unforeseen turn today as the infamous "Wagner's Little Mad Army" experienced a significant setback in the form of a "Röhm-Putsch." The mastermind behind the mercenary operation, Yevgeny Prigozhin, suffered a tragic fate when the aircraft he was travelling on allegedly crashed or was shot down by a Russian missile for violating restricted airspace in the northwest of Moscow, leaving behind a slew of uncertainties and queries.

Being no stranger to controversy, Prigozhin had become the chief orchestrator behind the deployment of Wagner mercenary forces in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The Kremlin had close ties with the businessman, elevating his position to a prominent role within Russia's military landscape.

The crash signals the end of a turbulent chapter in Prigozhin's life. Having previously worked closely with President Vladimir Putin and the military leadership, he embarked on an audacious revolt a few months ago. The brief insurrection has failed to produce any substantial result.

While there is limited information available about the plane crash incident, the emergency ministry of Russia has confirmed that Prigozhin was aboard and it is highly unlikely that he survived. The death of this Kremlin-associated figure will certainly have repercussions across the political landscape of the country and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The downfall of Prigozhin and his hired soldiers will have both immediate and long-term implications. In the immediate future, the departure creates a gap which may disrupt the current activities and plans of Wagner's Little Mad Army. The absence of their mysterious leader is likely to lead to disorientation and decreased morale among the remaining troops.

On July 28, this blog featured an in-depth review of Russia's ambiguous summer solstice in 2023.

Read the full article by clicking the link.

The "Wagner's Little Mad Army" and Russia's Cryptic Summer Equinox of 2023

What It’s really unleash —2023 Russian Equinox started — is still in limbo, but there is no doubt that it was not a “coup”. In fact, all signs point to a "putsch," a "self-coup," or a "Röhm purge."

BY GERMÁN & CO, JUNE 28, 2023

A "putsch" is a political and military maneuver carried out by a minority group with the goal of overthrowing a government or gaining control. In 1960-61, French soldiers, especially the legionnaires, were perplexed by President de Gaulle's proposal to abandon Algeria. Algeria had been a part of France since 1848. Despite the military victories achieved between 1958 and 1960, the soldiers were confused. In May 1958, the French Army successfully staged a coup in Algiers to install de Gaulle as President and maintain French control over Algeria. The Putsch —des généraux—, also known as the “April 1961 Generals' Putsch of Algiers”, was an unsuccessful military coup aimed at preserving French Algeria, the insurrections group was led by Challe, a French legionnaire.

A “self-coup”, also known as an autocoup (derived from the Spanish term "autogolpe"), or coup from the top, refers to a type of coup d'état wherein the leader of a nation, who initially assumed power through legitimate channels, attempts to retain power through unlawful methods. The leader has the potential to dissolve or incapacitate the national legislature, thereby unlawfully acquiring extraordinary powers that are not typically granted under normal circumstances. Other potential measures could involve the nullification of the nation's constitution, the suspension of civil courts, and the assumption of dictatorial powers by the head of government.

The “Röhm-Putsch” is a disinformation strategy in which false information about an ongoing coup was purposefully disseminated in order to justify violent acts (Assassinating the Insurgents). The Röhm-Putsch, also known as the Night of the Long Knives, occurred in Germany in 1934 and had significant political ramifications. Adolf Hitler and the Schutzstaffel carried out a purge of the Sturmabteilung (SA) leadership (SS).


1991 failed Soviet coup marked —decisive moment—

The hardliners within the Communist Party assumed power over Gorbachev and orchestrated a coup d'état due to their perception of diminishing authority. Their actions can be seen as a desperate attempt to regain control over the nation and impede Gorbachev's reform agenda.

The coup took place amidst a period of economic and social turmoil in the Soviet Union, which left a significant portion of the populace disenchanted and disheartened with the government. Gorbachev had devised a dual-pronged reform strategy with the objective of modernizing both the Soviet economy and political structure. The prolonged suppression of the freedom of speech and expression resulted in a surge of social upheaval, as a significant number of individuals demanded greater political autonomy and participation in the governance of their nation.

“Nevertheless, their strategy had unintended consequences as widespread protests erupted across the Soviet Union, with the populace mobilizing to demand the liberation of Gorbachev and the reinstatement of democratic governance. Ultimately, the attempted coup d'état was unsuccessful, leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 31, 1991.

The occurrence of that summer marked the end of a significant era and the beginning of a new chapter in the historical trajectory of Russia. The collapse of the Soviet Union had profound and far-reaching consequences for the international community, as it signified the conclusion of the Cold War and inaugurated a new era of global politics. (2)

Wagners Demands to the State of the Russian Federation...

Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin?

Yevgeny Prigozhin was born on June 1, 1961, in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), Soviet Union, has been a subject of interest in academic circles. His mother, Violetta Prigozhina, provided financial support for him and his sick grandmother by working at a nearby hospital, as his father died early.

It is noteworthy that Prigozhin's paternal and maternal lineage can be traced back to Jewish ancestry. During his formative years, he harbored aspirations of becoming a professional cross-country skier and subsequently enrolled in renowned athletics boarding school, from which he successfully completed his studies in 1977.

However, his professional trajectory in sports proved to be unsuccessful in the end. In 1990, Prigozhin commenced vending hot dogs at the Apraksin Dvor open-air market in Leningrad, in collaboration with his mother and stepfather.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Prigozhin initiated or participated in numerous entrepreneurial ventures. In 1995, Mr. Prigozhin commenced his foray into the restaurant industry.

The mercenary group leader is a key figure in Russia's escalating domestic conflict.

During the conflict in Ukraine, the paramilitary force experienced a significant expansion, with tens of thousands of combatants under its command. Instances of conflict have arisen between Prigozhin and high-ranking military officials in Russia. He has produced videos that challenge Russia's portrayal of a triumphant military campaign. He frequently claims that his forces have played a leading role in the conflict in Ukraine. Additionally, they have expressed doubts regarding the capabilities of the Russian military, specifically directing harsh criticism towards the Minister of Defense, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu.

“For Prigozhin It is worth noting that Shoigu is known for his close relationship with President Vladimir Putin, whom he considers a trusted confidant. Shoigu was a member of President Boris Yeltsin's inner circle of advisors, like President Vladimir Putin. It is worth mentioning that President Boris Yeltsin was betrayed by his Dauphin, i.e. Vladimir Putin on the same night he was elected premier and this made it unjustifiable that Yeltsin had deposited his succession in his hands four months earlier.

In addition to the criticisms, Prigozhin further escalated tensions in May by releasing a video depicting deceased individuals in military attire and denouncing the leadership for their lack of preparedness.

What is Prigozhin's relationship with Putin?

Putin and Prigozhin hail from the same hometown of St. Petersburg. Putin rose from KGB insider to Russian leader, while Prigozhin served a decade in prison as a teenager before starting a hot dog stand.

During the first decade of the 21st century, Prigozhin established a closer relationship with President Vladimir Putin. In 2003, he left his business partnerships and proceeded to establish independent restaurants. It is worth mentioning that Concord Catering, a company owned by Prigozhin, has been successful in securing multiple government contracts. In 2012, a contract was awarded to him for the provision of meals to the Russian military, with a total value of US$1.2 billion for a duration of one year.

He quickly gained influence in hospitality and caught Putin's attention. Prigozhin earned the nickname "Putin's chef" for assisting in serving state dinners, including one with then-President George W. Bush in 2006, while Putin was in the highest echelons of the Russian government. Putin provided state-funded loans to help Prigozhin open a school-lunch factory. Prigozhin partially owned Concord Management and Consulting, which was suspected of funding pro-Trump trolling during the 2016 election.

What drove Prigozhin's actions?

In a video on Telegram, Prigozhin criticized Russia's leadership for starting the war and admitted that Ukrainian forces were successfully pushing back against the Russian army. On Friday, Prigozhin claimed that Russian military leaders had ordered strikes on his men, resulting in thousands of deaths.

Prigozhin claimed that the war was a chance for scumbags to display their military might and for the defense minister to get promoted.

Russia’s response?

Russian officials launched a criminal probe against Prigozhin for his controversial statement. A Russian military leader warned of a "state coup."

State officials believe that Prigozhin's statement and actions could incite armed civil conflict in Russia.

Who is the much-hated defense minister for Prigozhin?

Serguei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, the Minister of Defense, is a multilingual individual and a talented artist. He has achieved a remarkable career progression within the communist party, starting from a lower position and advancing to a higher position.

The bad news for Prigozhin is that Shoigu has been close to President Vladimir Putin since 2008, whom he considers a trusted confidant. In addition, he was a member of President Boris Yeltsin's inner circle of advisors, like President Vladimir Putin. Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955, in Chadan, Tuvan Autonomous Oblast, which is his birthplace.

Shoigu has a diverse ethnic heritage. His mother is of Russian origin but has Ukrainian roots, while his father is a newspaper editor with Tuvan ancestry. Alexandra Shoigu resides in Kadiivka. She became a member of the Tuva Regional Council of People's Deputies, and his father was a prominent figure in the Communist power structure of the Tuvan Republic. Everything indicates that Prigozhin miscalculated politically by demanding the removal of such a notorious defense minister.

In this unexpected and extraordinary performance, two political figures take the stage.

If we're talking about two —political animals— with battle scars from the countless political conflicts they've experienced.

The first...

The rise of Recep Tayyip Erdogan…

President Erdogan's rise to prominence is a compelling story that began with modest beginnings of selling lemonade and sesame buns. For an extended period, he has been a vocal proponent of Islamist causes, concurrently demonstrating a proclivity to stifle his detractors and adversaries and assert Turkey's influence as a regional hegemon. Despite causing division within his population, Erdogan has consistently exhibited his proficiency in winning elections, thereby earning him the endearing title of "reis" or "chief" from his devoted followers. The culmination of his political career resulted in his status as a powerful figure, leading Turkey for a period of twenty years.

  1. Despite encountering numerous crises and accusations of worsening Turkey's already dire cost-of-living situation, Erdogan has emerged victorious in the 2023 presidential election.

  2. Putin-Erdogan relationship complex, involving Russia-Turkey dynamic interplay.

  3. A $100 billion deal to…  And all this for what?

The transportation of Gazprom natural gas through a hub in Turkey, which is financed by Russia, as well as the trade of strategic weapons and their mutual participation in conflicts, have substantial implications for both nations and the global political environment.

And what is its goal?

Prevent Finland and Sweden from joining NATO...

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan convened in Sochi, Russia for a meeting. During these discussions, the two leaders have augmented their partnership and reached a consensus on economic collaboration that has the potential to reach a value of $100 billion.

The current relationship between Erdogan and Putin has elicited concerns from Erdogan's NATO allies, who are apprehensive that Erdogan's actions may provide Putin with a substantial means of circumventing the sanctions that have been imposed against him by the West.

The have raised doubts regarding Erdogan's genuine allegiance, which extends beyond his personal interests.

Despite the existing concerns, the current relationship between Putin and Erdogan seems to be mutually advantageous. Putin derives advantages from the sale of energy and arms, in addition to investment prospects. Furthermore, the affiliation of Russia with a member of NATO offers significant strategic benefits.  Turkey is currently experiencing several benefits, including cash infusions, access to affordable energy, global significance, a vast export market, and apparent support from Russia in its endeavors to quell Kurdish separatism in Syria. It is noteworthy to mention that the two leaders maintain a relationship of both friendship and enmity, commonly referred to as "frenemies," which is of significant magnitude. Both individuals exhibit characteristics of authoritarian leaders, having accumulated significant authority and maintaining a closed circle of advisors. Additionally, they are known for their assertive and uncompromising demeanor. The bilateral relationship between the two nations is contingent upon the rapport established between their respective leaders. It is noteworthy that the discussions held between them are treated with utmost confidentiality.

It is evident that President Erdogan could not passively accept the risk of losing all the geopolitical and economic gains he had obtained from President Putin.

According to reports, during a complex phone call between the Turkish president and his Russian counterpart, it is claimed that the former emphasized the importance of utilizing —common sense—.

The second one is…

Who is Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus?

He has been in power since 1994. Alexander Lukashenko was born in northern Belarus after World War II. His father left the family, leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves. Alexander Lukashenko's early dedication to Leninist ideology led him to attend the Mogilev Teaching Institute after high school.  Before politics, he was in the Soviet Army and directed a state-owned farm. Lukashenko spent three years as a political officer in the Soviet Border Guards after graduation.  Lukashenko married his childhood sweetheart upon returning home. Lukashenko led the Communist Youth Wing's Komsomol. Lukashenko joined a state-owned farm to support his family.

Lukashenko had a successful career managing a construction materials plant and state-run farm complex before becoming a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus. He later chaired an anti-corruption committee.

A year after the Soviet Union's collapse, Lukashenko's anti-corruption stance led to his unexpected win in Belarus' first independent presidential election. Lukashenko has held onto power for decades by relying on his ideological beliefs from his youth,

Europe’s last autocrat leads Belarus. Lukashenko has been president for almost 29 years, starting in July 1994.Lukashenko, 68, started his sixth term after the controversial August 2020 Belarusian presidential election. Western countries deemed the Belarus election fraudulent, leading to widespread protests by hundreds of thousands of Belarusians against Lukashenko's power grab.

Lukashenko is a close ally of Putin…

Putin offered military support to Lukashenko after the 2020 Belarusian election. Lukashenko backed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and allowed the Russian military to enter Ukraine through Belarus.

In reciprocity, Lukashenko acts as a mediator..., preventing Russian bloodshed.

Today, Reuters published a note stating that Lukashenko claimed Putin wanted to "wipe out" Wagner chief Prigozhin during a mutiny attempt. And New York Times, post at Russian General Knew About Mercenary Chief’s Rebellion Plans, U.S. Officials Say.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner, may have believed he had support in Russia’s military.

In response to what the Kremlin portrayed as a mutiny that could have led to civil war, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko claimed that he persuaded Russian President Vladimir Putin not to eliminate mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Putin initially promised to put down the mutiny, comparing it to the wartime chaos that led to the 1917 revolution and subsequent civil war. However, a deal was struck shortly afterwards that allowed Prigozhin and some of his fighters to relocate to Belarus. On Tuesday, Prigozhin flew from Russia to Belarus.

During his conversation with Putin on Saturday, Lukashenko used Russian criminal slang, using a phrase that means to kill someone, like the English phrase "wipe out."

I also understood that a harsh decision had been made (which was implied in Putin's address) to eliminate the mutineers," Lukashenko stated during a meeting with army officials and journalists on Tuesday, as reported by Belarusian state media.

"I advised Putin to take his time."

He said to me, "Listen, Sasha, it's pointless." "He refuses to answer calls and avoids all conversations. “Putin used the same Russian verb in 1999 to describe his determination to eliminate Chechen militants, stating that he would "wipe them out in the shithouse."

*These remarks have since become a widely quoted symbol of his strong personality.

*The Kremlin has not yet commented on Lukashenko's remarks, which provide a rare glimpse into the discussions within the Kremlin as Russia, as stated by Putin, faced a level of turmoil not witnessed in decades.

Lukashenko remark at this is the most highly trained unit in the army," quoted Lukashenko by the BelTA state agency.  

"Who would argue with this?"

Later, Lukashenko informed his military that "people do not comprehend that we are taking a practical approach to this... Wagner, who has experienced it firsthand, will provide us with insights on the effectiveness of different weapons - what worked well and what didn't. Prigozhin stopped what he referred to as the "march of justice" on Moscow from the southern city of Rostov-on-Don, which is about 200 kilometers away from the capital, after Lukashenko intervened.


Based on the information provided in the Reuters and New York Times report, it can be inferred that the current Russian Summer Equinox bears similarities to a "Röhm purge" that is currently in progress.

The definitive outcome of the Russian Summer Equinox provides strong indications regarding the fate of Nicholas II and Rasputin, with a significant level of certainty.


Image: Germán & Co

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News Round-Up, August 24, 2023


News Round-Up, August 23, 2023