Sabotage in the Baltic Attacks Expose Vulnerability of European Infrastructure (

  1. The search for the perpetrators has begun following Monday's sabotage attack on the Nord Stream pipelines. Which countries could have been behind it, and how secure is Europe's critical infrastructure at the bottom of the sea?

  2. The route of the gas pipelines through the Baltic Sea could have been copied out of a cruise catalogue. From Ust-Luga near St. Petersburg, the route leads through the Gulf of Finland, then south past the Estonian island of Hiiumaa, past Gotland in Sweden, past Bornholm through Danish waters before approaching the German coast and ending in Lubmin in the eastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It's a route where you wouldn't typically expect anything out of the ordinary to happen, a region intended for comfortable vacations. A place where all was well.

  3. Nord Stream Attacks Expose Vulnerability of European Infrastructure - DER SPIEGEL


Los ataques de sabotaje en el Báltico exponen la vulnerabilidad de las infraestructuras europeas (


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