The sands of the hourglass are beginning to run out for Putin`s project and Europe too…

The sands of the hourglass are beginning to run out for Putin`s project and Europe too…

Le Monde announced today the logistics for mobilizing

French troops to Poland…


Nord Stream 1 and 2 are beyond repair.


The detonation of 2 strategically placed explosive elements, by diving’s man or diving bells, at two sites on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 at a depth of about 80 meters is what permanently damaged the pipelines.

Joseph Borrel, Vice-President of the European Commission, has stated that this act of terrorism affecting the sovereignty of countries will not go unpunished.

The EU is expected to impose even more drastic sanctions on Russia, which will be the outcome of next Friday's meeting. Its e is understood that it will be placing a cap price on oil from Russia, among other.

It is remarkable that two days after the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, the French newspaper Le Monde announced the logistics for mobilizing French troops to Poland. President André Macron has been one of the gateways of communication with the Kremlin regime, more isolated than ever given the posture of distancing from China and Turkey from Putin's project. Therefore, today's article in the city of Light's newspaper is of strategic importance.

The sands of the hourglass are beginning to run out for Putin, who now must think not only about the ill-fated invasion of Ukraine but also about the rebellion on the farm that he has internally, and Europe, which is result it impossible to accept such acts that threaten its integrity and the daily lives of millions of Europeans from the Kremlin. The metaphor of the Russian winter as an element of warfare is even more valid today.


La arena del reloj comienza a agotarse para el proyecto de Putin y también para Europa...


Live Putin poised to announce annexation of Ukrainian regions - UK (BBC)