News round-up Wednesday, 05 October 2022.

Russia-Ukraine War
E.U. Moves Ahead With Plan to Limit Russia’s Oil Revenue (NYT)
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  1. Conclusion of the day's news:

  2. Russia-Ukraine WarE.U. Moves Ahead With Plan to Limit Russia’s Oil Revenue (NYT)

  3. Putin signs annexation of Ukrainian regions, EU agrees to fresh sanctions

    Kyiv has dismissed as 'worthless' the laws that Vladimir Putin signed on Wednesday formalizing the annexation of four Ukrainian regions into Russia. (Le monde)

  4. South Korea, US, fire missiles in response to North Korea test (Le Monde)

    South Korea and the US military conducted missile drills on Wednesday, October 5, in response to North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile over Japan on Tuesday, October 4.

  5. “It Would Be Suicide for Meloni to Start a Fight with Brussels" (Spiegel International)

    Romano Prodi is worried about the future of Italy and the EU after the election victory of post-fascist Giorgia Meloni. In an interview, he warns of a Rome-Budapest axis and explains how best to deal with the right wing.

    Interview Conducted by Frank Hornig

  6. Brussels agrees a new package of sanctions against Russia after the annexation of Ukrainian territories (El Pais)

    The Twenty-Seven make the commitment to put a cap on the price of Russian oil and agree on more import restrictions to damage their economy


  1. Russia-Ukraine War: E.U. Agrees to Russian Oil Price Cap - The New York Times (

  2. Putin signs annexation of Ukrainian regions, EU agrees to fresh sanctions (


  4. Interview with Former Italian PM Romano Prodi: “It Would Be Suicide for Meloni to Start a Fight with Brussels" - DER SPIEGEL

  5. Bruselas acuerda un nuevo paquete de sanciones contra Rusia tras la anexión de los territorios ucranios | Internacional | EL PAÍS (


News round-up Thursday, 05 October 2022.


Putin - Schroder strange and suspicious meeting in Moscow, August 2, 2022